Nawan Quilla - Akal Academy


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Who we are

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Sharing the planet.

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How we express ourselves

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How the world works

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Our School offers a variety of opportunities.

The campus is spread over a lush green, pollution free area. It is divided aesthetically and thematically into various blocks, designed for maximum. Convenience and utility of the students. The hostel block is within the secure precincts of the campus to avoid any mishappening. The school provides provision for all amenities like picking and dropping facility and infrastructure. The school considers education to be a lifelong process which should have a strong foundation. The goal of the school is to inculcate in the students a love for learning, humanity, God and a desire to excel at every level whether indoor or outdoor. The school also aims at equipping the students with the intellectual and practical skills that are necessary to meet the challenges in the future.

School Image


Admission Policy

Akal Academy admits students for classes Nursery-Grade 9 in February/March and for Grade 11 in March/April. Admission is open to all irrespective of caste, creed, religion, nativity or language spoken. Admission is granted on first come-first serve basis. Students are expected to follow the rules and regulations of the school.

Assessment Policy

Our Assessment policy is a working document prepared by the core committee of teachers under the leadership of the Coordinator after getting written and verbal inputs from all teachers. We have used a variety of references in order to prepare this document, including the best practices of schools.
● Longevity and Growth, ensuring institutional sustainability
● Value Based System, ensuring development of children as global citizens with humane values
● Cost Effectiveness, making it affordable to everyone
● Quality Oriented, assuring teaching using international ​educational pedagogy
● Reach, at Doorsteps of the Rural & Unprivileged

Language Policy

Language is the means through which we process thought and interact with the world. The ability to use language imaginatively, flexibly and in context is essential to development as individuals and as members of society. Language is also the medium through which we learn and express ourselves across the curriculum.

Professional Development Policy

We believe that children deserve highly effective teachers. To meet the growing demand for better facilitators, Akal Academy has an ongoing Professional Development Policy in place.The Professional Development Plan is linked to the school’s improvement plan. It is a step in continuum of professional learning for teachers to support effective teaching, learning and assessment.

Special Education Policy

At Akal Academy, we believe, that each student is a unique individual, and has a unique life trajectory. We also believe that each student has some strengths and needs. The school is a microcosm of the society and as such, represents the society.


At Akal Academy Baru Sahib, CPD is an imperative part of the skill enhancement of the teachers and administrators where in the emphasis is given on learning and developing throughout their careers, to keep their skills and knowledge up to date and are able to work safely, legally and effectively.Through conferences, workshops, seminars, leadership programs we make sure that the enhancement is regular and up-to-date

School Calendar

Living on Campus

The campus environment of Akal Academy Baru Sahib is one which supports and nurtures young minds to be positive, caring , skilful and knowledgeable individuals. The school provides a culture where living together mirrors a global village where peace and harmony is the way of life . The culture and spiritual education helps the students to acquire life skills and spirit of being life long learners.

Our Culture

Akal Academy Baru Sahib enshrines a culture traditionally rich, socially healthy and environmentally friendly

Spiritual Rejuvenation

The world today needs men and women who are honest, virtuous, selfless and compassionate and can show restraint despite extreme provocation


True to the adage-healthy mind in a healthy body, every child has to compulsorily participate in games

Go Green

Tree Plantation Drive was organized by students of Akal Academy Navan Quilla at various public local places such as Police Station, Dispensary and Gurduwara, 50 trees have been planted. This activity was organized to make children aware of the importance of trees in controlling environmental pollution, global warming and various other life threatening factors harm.

Peace & Harmony club

Lets Rebuild Punjab. As Every single penny and material is precious in the mission,blessed souls such as Parents,Children,Staff members of AA Navan Quilla have donated food items for the flood victims. Lets join hands to donate for the cause.

Religious Programme

Celebrated Shri Guru Nanak Dev ji Birth anniversary


Akal Academy Navan Quilla got first position in inter academy football tournament in akal academy basti basawa singh
Inter house athletic meet organized at akal academy navan quilla

Field Trip to Civil Hospital Karma

To provide the children with real experience, Akal Academy Navan Quilla organized a Field Trip to Civil Hospital Karma.Nry and K.G students keenly observing the most common tools used by a doctor to cure the illness.


A field trip to Post Office is a fun and engaging way for students to learn about it. Students got oppourtunity to enjoy fresh experience in the company of their mentors and friends. Children have been found enthusiastic and curious to know about the Post Office ,the name of the things and work done there by listening and talking to the various people working there.

Kite Making Competition at Akal Academy Navan Quilla

Akal Academy Navan Quilla organized Kite Making competition on 30.01.2020 for the students. It was a great opportunity for students to showcase their creativity, manifested in the form of beautiful vibrant kites made by them.
